Buy Backlinks That Work 70% Indexing Rate on Tier 1 Increase Your Website Traffic Boost Your Online Presence Higher Search Rankings More Buyers to Your Site

Get high-quality backlinks that help you to increase organic traffic and improve search engine rankings. Make your business more visible online with Press Releases, Google Profile and Social Media Management Services.

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Why Do You Need Backlinks?

You may have heard about the importance of backlinks for SEO optimization and domain authority. Check below.

what are backlinks

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links, are links on external websites that direct users back to a page on your own website. These backlinks serve as a means of driving traffic from other websites to your own.

Having lots of good-quality backlinks can improve how high your website shows up on Google and Bing.

domain authority increases after backlinks was created

Why Are Backlinks So Important?

In 1998, Google introduced the revolutionary PageRank algorithm, which revolutionized the way search engines determine the importance and relevance of web pages.

PageRank treats every link to a web page as a vote of confidence, making the page more credible and important to Google based on the number of backlinks it receives.

Therefore, backlinks play a crucial role in improving your website's SEO. They help build trust and popularity of your site. When authoritative websites link to yours, it serves as a vote of confidence and increases the credibility of your site.

The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your site will rank in search results.

How To Get Backlinks?

There are few ways to get backlinks for your website. One of them is to get backlinks naturally or buy them.

writer writing content naturally

Get Naturally

To obtain backlinks naturally, create valuable content such as articles or videos that people will enjoy. Share this content on other websites or social media platforms.

When others see your great content, they may link to it on their own websites. This method takes time as you need to create excellent content and share it in multiple places.

it team working on the project

Buy Backlinks

You have the option of paying for backlinks, and LinkDaddy can help you with that. We will create top-notch backlinks for your website, saving you time and effort in content creation and distribution.

This option is suitable if you want to save time and are willing to invest some money.

Why Choose Our Backlinks SEO Agency?

We are a leading backlinks SEO agency with a proven track record of success. We have helped hundreds of businesses improve their search engine ranking and drive traffic to their websites. We offer a wide range of buy backlink services, including:

  • Backlink building
  • Content creation
  • Social media marketing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Press Release

We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service. We work closely with each client to develop a customized SEO strategy that meets their specific needs. We are also transparent about our pricing.


We offer high-quality, niche relevant and Google-Friendly dofollow backlinks with high DA and Traffic to your websites.

Increase Your Traffic

Having backlinks to your website can make it more discoverable, resulting in an increase in traffic.

Save Your Time

Instead of finding and creating backlinks on your own, we do the work for you.

White Label SEO Report

Get professional reports that can be shared with your clients.

How It Works?

Do you want to improve your business’s online visibility? Buy high-quality backlinks with our step-by-step guidance.

Backlink Analysis

backlink analysis

We analyze your website's current backlink profile to identify opportunities for improvement.

Content Creation

content creation

Then we create 100% unique content to rank in on Google.


link building

We create high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche with Domain Ratings (DR) ranking from 30 to 92.

Monitoring and Reporting

monitoring and reporting

We continuously monitor the performance of your website and provide detailed backlinks reports.

What Type Of Backlinks Should I Buy?

Discover incredible services that will skyrocket your website traffic and bring more customers to your business.

aggressive tier one structure

Keyword Backlinks

Boost your rankings in SERPs with this service. This service helps improve the visibility of your website.

buy dofollow seo backlinks service

DoFollow SEO Backlinks

Improve your website's ranking in search engine using these backlinks. They are a fundamental part of any SEO strategy and are typically a safe choice.

uploading backlinks to the cloud services

Cloud Authority Backlinks

Get high-quality backlinks from well-established and reputable platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, etc., this service helps you establish authority and credibility in your niche.

boost your domain authority

Domain Power Booster

Does your website have a low Domain Authority score? This service will help boost your website's authority and improve your overall search engine ranking.

get location relevant backlinks to make you visible in searches locally

Local SEO Backlinks

Expand your backlink profile by incorporating Geo Relevance. Demonstrate to Google that your website is connected to locally themed sites with geo relevance. This strategy is particularly effective for enhancing Branded Anchor Text and establishing connections with your Website, Location Pages, and GMB.

increase your website ctr

CTR Manipulation

Boost your website's and Google My Business (GMB) listings organic traffic with our cutting-edge Click-Through Rate (CTR) manipulation service. Experience a remarkable surge in visitors and potential customers!

get backlinks directly from google services

Google Authority Stacks

Get the most out of Google by obtaining your backlinks directly from the search engine giant. Our service is designed to leverage all of your company's Google assets and improve your website rankings on major search engines.

get a press release about your products to make your brand famous

Premium Press Release Distribution

Share your latest news, products, services, or events with a larger audience using the power of an effective press release. Capture the attention of potential customers and give your company the exposure it deserves. With press release distribution, you can expand your reach and enhance your brand's online presence like never before.

get posted on the business directory and get extra powerful backlinks

Local Citations And Business Listings

Increase your business's online visibility by listing your business in top 300 directories and local search websites. This is an effective way to improve your search engine rankings and attract local customers to your business. Local citations are essential for businesses that rely on local customers and want to improve their local search engine optimization.

What People Say?

We have worked with individuals and businesses. They bought high-quality backlinks to rank better on Google.

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Rated Excellent 4.7 from 100+ reviews

Our Blog

Stay ahead in the ever-changing world of SEO and backlinks. Explore our latest insights and strategies for ranking higher with quality backlinks in our blog section.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to frequently asked questions.  If you can’t find what you’re looking for contact us.

Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are links to your site from other popular niche-relevant websites (blogs, guest posts, press releases, local citations, etc.)

They are essential for search engine optimization (SEO) as they signal to search engines that your website is reputable and relevant. Backlinks can improve a website’s search engine rankings and authority. A website can gain a competitive advantage by having more link popularity than its competitors.

We offer a comprehensive backlinks service that includes:
  • Backlink Analysis: We analyze your website’s current backlink profile to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Content Creation: We develop valuable, shareable content to rank it on Google
  • Link Building: We create high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: We continuously monitor the performance of your backlinks and provide detailed reports.

The timeline for seeing results may vary depending on your website’s current status, industry, and competition.

Typically, noticeable improvements in your SEO rankings can be expected within 3-6 weeks after Google bots crawl our backlinks.

Our main focus is to obtain high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites. We prioritize acquiring links that are both reliable and relevant to our website’s niche.

Our team prioritizes quality over quantity to ensure a high-quality backlink profile using white-hat SEO practices.

The accuracy of SEO metrics research often depends on various factors, including the specific goals and needs of your website. Here are some of the most reputable and accurate tools for researching SEO metrics:
  • Google Search Console: This free tool by Google provides valuable insights into your website’s performance on Google Search. It offers data on keywords, impressions, click-through rates, and more, directly from Google itself.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a widely respected and comprehensive SEO tool that offers accurate data on backlinks, keyword rankings, and content analysis. It’s known for its reliability and extensive database.
  • Moz Pro: Moz offers various SEO tools, including a backlink analysis tool (Moz Link Explorer) and a keyword research tool (Keyword Explorer). It’s known for its Domain Authority metric.
  • Majestic: Majestic is a trusted SEO tool that specializes in backlink analysis. It provides comprehensive data on backlink profiles, including metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow. It’s widely used by SEO professionals to assess link quality.
When we create backlinks, the primary tool we use is Ahrefs backlink checker, which can be accessed through this link.
You have come to the right place. We offer a free tool Domain Authority Checker check your domain ranking and compare it with your competitors.
  • Niche-relevant web 2.0 backlinks – backlinks from 5000 blogs, wiki articles, social bookmarking.
  • Cloud authority backlinks – backlinks from Amazon, Azure, Google Cloud, Bunny CDN, DigitalOcean, Oracle Cloud, etc.
  • High authority backlinks – backlinks from social profiles, blogs, PR.
  • Press releases – backlinks from news sites like Digital Journal, MSN, Business Insider, Street Insider, AP News, Yahoo, etc.
  • Local citations and business listings backlinks from 300 high-quality sites.
They are backlinks that are valuable for websites targeting the USA, UK, and other countries. Obtaining a diverse range of backlinks makes your website appear more natural.

Totally. The practice of purchasing backlinks remains relevant. Many successful businesses across various industries, including insurance, casinos, home improvement services, e-commerce, technology, and finance, still heavily invest in acquiring links.

Purchasing backlinks simplifies the link-building process by alleviating the workload associated with tasks such as content creation, prospecting for link opportunities, and manually establishing backlinks. This approach also accelerates the timeframe within which you can observe concrete results.

Given these advantages, numerous SEO experts are willing to explore this approach in 2023.

Absolutely. Our Done-For-You-SEO service is a comprehensive solution that handles all your link building requirements. You simply establish a monthly budget and share your objectives with us. From there, we consistently provide you with new backlinks each month.

This service includes a custom link building strategy designed specifically for your website, addressing its unique requirements to help you reach your objectives.

While our team of link building experts generates additional inbound links and enhances your backlink profile, you can relax and focus on other critical tasks.

We make sure the backlinks we create for your business stay up for a long time. Our aim is to have them stay forever, so you can keep getting the benefits from them.

We want your website to be trustworthy and visible, and these links play a big role in that.

Sometimes things can happen, like a backlink accidentally being removed from a blog post or other backlink source.

If a link we created for you disappears within a certain timeframe, we’ll replace it for free. We want to make sure you’re happy with your links and that they keep working for you. 

Contact us and let us know. We’ll take care of it.

Yes, we specialize in white-label link-building services. These services are ideal for SEO agencies seeking to outsource their link building tasks or for those looking to resell them to their clients.

We can build links for the niches like:
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) – it includes a wide range of subcategories.
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Legal Services
  • Real Estate
  • Web Development
  • Home Services
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Career Services
  • E-commerce
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Pet Industry
  • Technology Sector
Our platform is open to almost all topics, however, there are a few exceptions that we do not allow.
  • Adult Content – Any content, products, or services intended for adults.
  • Gambling – Anything associated with gambling or placing bets involving money.
  • Government – Information regarding government entities, employees, political matters, or elected officials.
  • Negative Press – Any unfavorable information about an individual, website, or company.
  • Third Parties – Anything that mentions third-party businesses or people.
  • Weapons – Anything concerning firearms, weapons, or ammunition.

Yes. You can test our Free Trial campaign for only $1 and receive results within a week. Usually, this campaign costs $49.

Absolutely, we can apply all our methods for creating links to websites that use languages other than English.

Yes, we can generate backlinks for any page you’re aiming to enhance in terms of search engine rankings.

Certainly! We offer a Credit Pack Program that allows you to receive up to 50% discount in Bonus Credits, which you can then use to purchase any of our services.

We’re not like other link-building services; we don’t just create backlinks and leave you to figure it out. What makes us different is that we genuinely want to help boost your website’s position in search engines.

Our reports will show you all the pages on your website and the backlinks we’ve made. Plus, we keep an eye on how things change over time and watch how your web pages are doing in search results.

This way, we can focus on getting you the results you want, and we’re not just thinking about the links themselves.

Tony Peacock CEO

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