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SEO Backlinks For Youtube Videos

Yes, it is well worth the time. Building backlinks to YouTube videos is going to bring many benefits. Google sees backlinks as a vote of confidence and so videos that have more backlinks will stand a better chance of ranking in the search engine results.

How Do I Optimize Youtube Videos For Seo

But before you build backlinks you should make sure that your on-page SEO is spot on first. YouTube SEO for videos is essentially the same as any other Internet entity when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. First, you get all the on-page optimization done and then build backlinks to it.

So let’s take a look at what we mean by on-page SEO.

The Video Title should contain the main video keyword. It is always a good idea to take a look at the other videos ranking for your relevant keywords and see if you can spot a pattern in the way the titles are constructed. Do they ask questions?

The video description should be a minimum of 500 words. Remember that the first 125 characters will show in the listing so should focus on enticing people in your audience to click through and see the video.

It’s also a good idea to link out to your main website and other social media properties. If you are a local business include your NAP (name, address, phone) and link back to your GMB.

If you include a minimum of three hashtags at the end of the description and don’t declare a location in your settings those hashtags will show up under the title. Make the hashtags your main target keyword plus other related keywords.

You should remember that YouTube is a major search engine, the world’s second-largest search engine, second only to Google. So you need to take a similar approach to rank well in Google and make sure that you understand what search queries your target audience is likely to enter. Remember this and you should be able to secure a steady flow of search traffic from your YouTube videos.

There are many different types of videos that you can create to put onto your channel; native videos, explainer videos, or a video tutorial, but the goal is the same. No matter what the type of video, you want video views that turn into video traffic. As long as you are producing awesome videos, your video SEO activities will give you a healthy return.

If you can encourage good engagement with every single video that you post then you will get organic search traffic to filter back to a blog post or other piece of content on your main site. The better your video rank, the higher you can get audience retention, and the better the signals that you will be sent to YouTube and Google.

Another saying that is usually applied to content marketing in general, “content is King”, also applies to video marketing. Your entire collection of videos should be quality videos that cover the search term that your likely audience will be looking for. The video topics that you select should also be closely aligned with popular keywords that will encourage more user engagement and get people coming back to watch future videos.

Each entire video series that you produce needs to be a collection of videos that cover the topics or answer the questions that your target audience wants to see. The higher the quality the more engagement you will get back, which you will be able to judge from the volume of video comments and retention rates. If you find you have high retention videos then that’s a good sign that you’re hitting the right topics to keep people watching.

Video marketing strategies do not need to be that different from your general online marketing. After all, with YouTube a wholly-owned part of the Google group, any Google SEO strategy should work for both. If you are targeting keywords with a decent search volume then you should be able to secure a good proportion of the monthly search traffic.

Backlinks have been proven as the most effective way to increase search engine ranking. So if you want to increase your online visibility and get organic traffic, you need to start building backlinks for YouTube videos. Now you might be asking yourself, what is an SEO backlink and how do you generate one for and from YouTube?

Backlinks are incoming links that are directed towards your website from another website. The easiest way to get backlinks for your YouTube videos would be through YouTube’s built-in SEO tool, Google Analytics. Using this tool is free so you can try it out for yourself. This is one of the best SEO tools you can use today, so invest a few minutes using it on your videos and see the difference it can make to improve your video rankings.

If you want to increase your online visibility and get organic traffic, you should consider building backlinks for YouTube videos. However, there are many ways to go about it. I recommend using our YouTube Backlink and Embed services.

It’s important to note that YouTube has several rules when it comes to video content and its ability to be used for link-building. A lot of the more popular social media websites like Facebook and Twitter do not allow you to directly link to videos. So, if you want to build backlinks for YouTube then the best option would be to create content videos and submit them to the many social media websites that allow you to do so for free.

Weebly Works Too

Another effective way to obtain backlinks is to create content videos for Weebly. Weebly is a great niche site that allows anyone to become an affiliate for big-name brands, and sell products for a percentage of the sale price. This makes it perfect for building backlinks for your site.

Popular videos will always show good results for your Video SEO. Building video backlinks to your main site is a basic link-building strategy. Building links to a video that has a video link to your main site, will help boost that site as well. The major benefit of this strategy is to help in the search engine rankings by providing link juice that can be passed down the line, but the other key benefits include that you will find the property linked to is both easily and quickly indexed by Google as well.

The best way to use YouTube as an SEO tool is to find a song that you like or make a video of something you already have. Then write a small description of the video and post it on your Weebly account. Within the description, you can include a link to your website and/or blog. This will only count as one backlink and will not count towards your organic traffic stats. However, if it gets lots of views it can improve your organic traffic.

Be Active & Respond To Comments

Last but certainly not least, the best way to use YouTube as an SEO tool is to post comments on your videos and respond to others. You can either reply to the original poster’s comment or start a new thread that includes a link to your website blog. When you are starting a new thread, you should include a quote that’s relevant to the post you are linking to and include a backlink to your site. This is known as blogging your way to SEO Backlinks.

As with all SEO, it involves work and an investment of time. Here at LinkDaddy, we provide specialist packages that will do all the hard work for you, building quality backlinks to your videos and helping you rank well in the video SERPs.

If you follow these basic guidelines, pay attention to YouTube analytics, and your basic engagement metrics, keep producing high-quality videos and high-quality backlinks and you will be on the road to YouTube success.

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